@mvsde @chriscoyier yeah the Google fonts feature doesn't really do it, I forget the route I took last time but it involved copying and pasting from the files and codes Google gives to get to the woffs, haha.
Thank you!
@mvsde @chriscoyier yeah the Google fonts feature doesn't really do it, I forget the route I took last time but it involved copying and pasting from the files and codes Google gives to get to the woffs, haha. Thank you! 4 comments
@sarajw @mvsde @chriscoyier Yeah, you can copy-paste the embed url into your browser to get the woff2 url and then copy-paste that to download it. Much more useful than downloading the TTF, for web at least. @sarajw @mvsde @chriscoyier an other good place is https://fontlibrary.org/. and you can use https://www.fontsquirrel.com/ to convert any font to a web font, it gives you all the code samples you need |
@mvsde @chriscoyier wish I could filter fonts by file size.