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Maartje :omya_sncb:

The Professor and I are grading papers 😎

Kookie 🍪 Free Palestine 🇵🇸

@maartje I really gotta look into how you re-fluffen a shark 😅

Maartje :omya_sncb:

@spacekookie just buy a new... sorry no some of my sharks i really need to do that too but the professor (i don't give them names just academic titles) really keeps his fluff

Kookie 🍪 Free Palestine 🇵🇸

@maartje yea no i could never just replace a shark D: my oldest is from 2017. Youngest from 2019.
There should be a shark hospital :P

Maartje :omya_sncb:

@spacekookie i performed bottom surgery on a small one from china... should attempt a full one when i bought me some fluff
yeah no every shark has a place in my heart too :)

Zoiëty of Queer Garden

@maartje hope they can take a big bite out of that stack of papers!

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