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Simon Willison

Wow there is a LOT of stuff in the new release of uv - lockfiles, a pipx alternative, Poetry-style project management, even the ability to manage and download standalone Python versions directly

It's taking me a while to dig through all of this

Jan Lehnardt :couchdb:

@simon even more Python packaging?! Make it staaahp!

Frank Patz-Brockmann

@simon uv is super neat indeed. The only thing that makes me nervous about Astral is, that — unless I missed it — it is still completely unclear how they plan to monetize and they don’t come up with their plan (they undoubtedly have one). That could easily become a horrible disaster for the Python ecosystem, which is a pretty big prey.

Simon Willison

@fpbhb the only clues as to their monetization strategy right now are here:

> In the future, we’ll build and sell services on top of our tools — but the tools themselves will remain free and open-source.

Paul Everitt

@simon So much to unpack. As a minor-minor-nice-to-have (but really wish Python would settle on something here)...scaffold/template support:

Robert Atkins

@simon If you were an experienced team but new to Python and bumbling along (fine so far) with pip and venv, would you adopt this now?

Simon Willison

@ratkins it’s less than 24 hours old so I might hold off to let any bugs get shaken out of it first, but I’d be tempted to be a very early adopter I think

J. Carlos :debian: :tux:

@simon You have to add `-S` to `env` when using `/usr/bin/env` in the shebang if you want to provide parameters to the script

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