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the Amygdalai Lama

@researchfairy @currentbias
when they say “efficient,” that means a secret project, some evil bullshit. It’s not an adjective that applies to harm reduction.

the Amygdalai Lama

@researchfairy @currentbias
nobody minds if you feed and house them “inefficiently,” as long as you fucking try, good doesn’t need to be “efficient,” to be allowed.


I *do* want people fed and housed “efficiently” in the sense that long-term I want the most people fed and housed comfortably, which means achieving that comfort by the expenditure of the least resources per person. For example, making/keeping people poor is inefficient as it makes them spend more (it’s expensive to be poor, as per Vimes). So an “efficient” system needs to be against poverty. I agree that perfect is the enemy of good, but efficient *is* better with the right definition of value.

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