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Andrew Tropin

Have anybody tried Zed editor? What is your experience?

At first glance it looks really nice. Slim, performant, no legacy, tree-sitter first (no more regexp hell, hacks and bugs).

WebAssembly for extensions, which means you can write them in whatever compiles to wasm, including guile-hoot scheme.

#wasm #vim #emacs #scheme #lisp #zed #vscode

Fd9a :emacs: :guix:

@abcdw A look at Cargo.lock kills all motivation to package this project

Andrew Tropin

@fd9a Actually, it's a good reason to implement guix transitive package managment for rust. Cargo.lock have almost all needed info I guess.

Fd9a :emacs: :guix:

@abcdw There is cargo2guix -, but I don't like the way it works now. In recent versions it depends on (guix import crate) and on the internet to query And on large projects like zed, it's bound to fail, especially with slow internet.

Andrew Tropin

@fd9a Yep, I don't like most of the guix import implementations, because they quries the repo for every package. IDK why do so, when languages have a proper lock files with hashes and all other necessary stuff. BTW, I workarounded the problem in fibers/ares, which stoped me last time from implementing transitive package manager for npm.

Jón Grétar

@abcdw I use it as my main editor. Except for data science and typesetting. I really like it.

David Wilson

@abcdw does the wasm host support WasmGC? My understanding was that all the Rust-implemented wasm runtimes don't have it yet

Andrew Tropin

@daviwil Ouch, I didn't check it. There is a good chance that it doesn't.

SΛDIΣL :verified_multi:

@abcdw I couldn't compile it for musl because a crate depended on glibc.


@abcdw If it had serious emacs bindings, I might start to be interested. WASM as the scripting language is interesting, but it seems nowhere near as extensible as emacs (defadvice, edebug, code-as-data). Still, worth tracking!


@abcdw I’ve been using it for a few weeks, and it’s been a good dev experience. Haven’t yet gotten into writing extensions for it, though.

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