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@theresnotime Also a reminder that even when you get good at one very specific area of computers, there's hundreds of different areas that you'll still struggle with - AND THAT'S OKAY!

Computers are not a single field of study - don't judge yourself for being OK at web dev but terrible at kernel memory management dev or k8s admin or distributed computing or whatever

Claire :verifiedbi::hatched_trans_egg: yep! to quote liveoverflow in his video on how to get into the security field (an interesting watch even as someone not really into security), computers are "a web of interconnected topics, layers and dependencies and you are free to walk and jump between stuff however you want"

i have experience with programming backend stuff, writing vanilla javascript, and scraping websites (amongst other things). however, i will absolutely blunder with hardware, reverse enginerring binaries, writing a modern web app, and more yep! to quote liveoverflow in his video on how to get into the security field (an interesting watch even as someone not really into security), computers are "a web of interconnected topics, layers and dependencies and you are free to walk and jump between stuff however you want"

i have experience with programming backend stuff, writing vanilla javascript, and scraping websites (amongst other things). however, i will absolutely blunder with...

Hannah Clover

@stwalkerster @theresnotime idk if it'll help but know that being good at even one area of computers is still vastly impressive to a huge chunk of the population 😅

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