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Since AI is actually do ing a lot of cool stuff in the real world, one has to ask, why are 99% of toots about AI snarky putdowns ?
I have two ideas
it is a bandwagon; you get clicks and eyeballs for snarky putdowns; for reality about AI doing stuff, not so much
tusker is full of people (programmers artists writers ) scared that AI will take their jobs


I've been using neural networks for biology research since 2013 or so.
Everybody loves THAT.
If you literally don't see the negative net worth of LLM and diffusion trash, you need to get out of your bubble and touch grass.
I looked at what it was. Everyone insists it will keep getting better, but nope. Lossy compression is lossy compression.


@dnavinci @jonikorpi

the good thing is that in 10 years or so, one of us will be right

the bad thing is that in 10 years, given the ephemeral nature of social media, this exchange will be lost to time

given the mind bending progress in computers over the last 50 years, I would have thought people would be reluctant to predict the next 10 or 20 years, but here we are


"10 years away" as you should well know if you spend any time near technology - means, "is currently nowhere"

In 50 years my children may well be stabbing you with a stick to fertilize our crops.


@dnavinci @jonikorpi

at work, chit chat before meeting starts
me anyone using AI ?
coworker: yeah, I use it for 1st draft of documents, saves me a lot of time

now I realize "AI"covers a lot of ground but here on tusker 99.99% is negative snark and that is just bullshit, sorry


Listen. I'm a busy person with important contributions to make to the world.
When I have to write a paper, it takes me a carefully shaped 1500 words to get a new concept across.
Some of you aren't communicating new concepts, and that's fine.
But if your message can be given to the computer on 20 words and then expanded into a full page... Just send the 20 words to the people in the first place.


@dnavinci @failedLyndonLaRouchite @jonikorpi but people want their communications to follow special unwritten rules. If I write „20 words“ I get nowhere, no one understands me. If I let a llm translate my language neurotypical minds suddenly understand. Yes the information value is the same, but unfortunately this is not how the world outside works. In this case llms are a big help for me


Sounds like you work with assholes. I send short ping messages all the time and folks are really glad I didn't write a page. If I write a page someone usually calls me to ask, "what does this say?"
@failedLyndonLaRouchite @jonikorpi


@dnavinci @failedLyndonLaRouchite @jonikorpi not related to work, actually Im not allowed to use llms at work. But I live in a society of assholes, true. I regularly need to send letters to government offices and so. I also dont want to get called. Sure its all bullshit communication and I still have and want people I can rely on take this communication overhead from me, but until this gets paid I can either spend days in writing or just use llms

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