Finally zeroed in to what bugs me about the modern tech industry. It used to be about making new tools, putting them in the hands of users, and watching them do new things.
Today it’s about taking users out of the equation. Making products instead of tools. Limiting instead of enabling. Reducing users to glorified slot machine operators.
In game design we often ask: who is having the fun here, the player or the designer?
@jonikorpi delighting users by making must-have products used to be the way to succeed. Now it’s delighting VCs and stock analysts with just enough BS for just long enough to be able to cash out and do it again with the next thing
>who is having the fun here, the player or the designer?
this is the thing tho, it's neither.
the player hates his experience and the designer (and eventually himself)
the designer hates his work and himself (and maybe the player too)
the owner/operator of the slot machine is the only one having fun