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War and Peas 🧿

We actually published this story before the Dua Lipa video



As a human, I've had this same experience. Tyrants often self-destruct ahead of schedule.



Shit Happens ?
Trump was a Condition of Hopelessness
A Idiot Traitor Money hungry ASS-0 Traitor Sociopath....and then ?
A Great Old Guy named Joe pulled us back from the Brink of destruction
We now have a chance to rebuild and strengthen a Greater & Better America
VOTE 4 America's 1st Woman President
VOTE 4 Kamala !!


@anselmschueler @warandpeas +1

Edit: just saw the video ( ), wow the similarities ! at least you should be on tv telling about this coincidence ;-)

Randy Hughes-King

@warandpeas The lobsters shall not make it. They live in the continental shelf, max depth of 480 meters (1,570 ft). Swimming that far in water that cold would likely exhaust them before reaching their loved ones. I apologize.

zy 🍉

@warandpeas not to be mean but they didn't found their family back

Jason Kay

@warandpeas Surely lobsters can't survive in those arctic waters, though?


@warandpeas This is a whole movie in four panels.


@warandpeas But they are fresh water lobsters so they die anyway. Womp womp wooooomp

Chris Jolly Holcomb

@warandpeas so the Titanic has a happy ending... From a certain point of view.

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