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Guy Dupont

Tired of using your own tongue to test 9V batteries???
👅👅👅🔋🔋🔋 ouch!

Honored and humbled to announce my latest product:

Nick T
@gvy_dvpont If you're asking yourself that question then I'd say more research is required to find this so called "limit"

@gvy_dvpont I showed this to my spouse who said, “That might be the most genius, well-executed creation I will see this year 😍.”
Mike P

@gvy_dvpont The "Deluxe" model is rated to withstand 10KV for 1 hour.


@FenTiger @gvy_dvpont
I can't wait for the BigClive video on that one!


@gvy_dvpont Two of my brothers did that, didn't understand why. One went to Columbia later. Not sure what that means.


@gvy_dvpont "tired"? I find it quite energizing, personally.

Guy Dupont

@risottobias glad you asked! It's literally two sewing needles wired directly to an Xbox 360 controller rumble motor lol

J Davis 🕊️🧭🌈🎱🦀

@zheng3_jim @risottobias @gvy_dvpont

Ingenious and hilarious.
Better patent before al1baba steals it.

🍒️ Juicy Flow 🔞️

@gvy_dvpont @risottobias can you do one with the battery in the back and the rumble motor in the tongue next?

Gik :prami:

@gvy_dvpont watched the video before reading the post, then commenced dying of laughter.

I Thought I Saw A 2 :donor:

@gvy_dvpont That is both awesome and horrifying at the same time


@gvy_dvpont You'd probably find more market success if the battery went in the other end. You'd have to ... ehrm ... moisture proof it though.


@gvy_dvpont Historically, I’ve always used a paperclip whenever my voltmeter was out of reach (or I was too lazy to get up and find it). That little spark at the end was all I needed to know that the battery still had charge.

🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (🌈🦄)

@gvy_dvpont I love this, but ngl, the flesh-colored teeth are kinda upsetting 👅


@gvy_dvpont does it come with interchangeable tongues?


@gvy_dvpont now I've seen creepy but ...this. is. creeeeeepy! 😱

Christian Kothe

@gvy_dvpont maybe v2.0 should have a motor that makes it flutter

Mark J. Blair

@gvy_dvpont Weirdest vibrator I’ve seen so far this week.

Arjen Haayman

@gvy_dvpont @egeltje yeah, but just looking at this video made my tongue itch

Kevin Granade

@gvy_dvpont so just FYI some people scroll up instead of down, and like me saw a vibrating motor attached an upwards tilted silicone mouth with an outstretched tounge before seeing any text.

So yea.

Suburban Druid

@gvy_dvpont Ok, that is… *genuinely* clever and funny…!! Bravo!


@gvy_dvpont I’m sorry, sir. I saw this in a sexy toy store in 1998. I wish I was joking.

Hraban (fiëé visuëlle)

@gvy_dvpont I can imagine better uses for a vibrating tongue…

Moss (the τεχie)

@fiee @gvy_dvpont
Certainly, but then we should reconsider the battery placement.

Konomi Kitten

@gvy_dvpont flashlight manufacturers furiously taking notes after seeing this post

Bill Hooker

@gvy_dvpont Genius, abomination, or both? I can't decide.

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