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Uncle Duke

“Are you okay, ma’am?”
“I think I swallowed my router.”
“Here, take my seat.”


@UncleDuke1969 so this is the "waifu" that people talk about so much


@UncleDuke1969 The fetus has a side gig (they start so early these days!) and is holding up a card reader

Tim Hergert

@UncleDuke1969 there'll be some mild discomfort until you can execute a core dump.

Juggling With Eggs


Sure my twins were both born with amazing lung capacity, evidenced by their stereo ear piercing screams - they are still the loudest kids I’ve ever met, but I don’t recall hearing them while in the womb strangely.

Maggie Maybe

@UncleDuke1969 the person who made this sign thinks babies exit the womb through the belly button.

Dial Tone *biiiiip*

@maggiejk @UncleDuke1969 I was totally thinking "are the last two like... a progression?" Like someone is going to have a baby in, and then chill with that baby, in that seat?

Dial Tone *biiiiip*

"Sir, is that a giant syringe?"
"Yes, and it's quite difficult to handle safely in public.
"Okay, have this special seat next to this gem of a guy with a gigantic candy cane."

Charles ☭ H


She swallowed the router to catch the switch. She swallowed the switch to catch the modem. She swallowed the modem to catch the WiFi.
I don't know why she swallowed WiFi.
Perhaps she'll die.

Dial Tone *biiiiip*

@celesteh @UncleDuke1969 oh no! 😂 This is the latest book I read to my kid. I wouldn't have understood this post at all before like a month ago.

I'm reading it thinking "is my kid about to try to swallow something dangerous because of this book?"

Joan AM

@tisha @UncleDuke1969 The only explanation I can come with is even worse. I think they wanted to make sure people understand that there's something inside the woman and she's not just fat.

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