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@frigginglorious @yogthos ergo, while fighting may be "natural" for some species, it certainly isn't for all. Also, believing that because it is "natural", it must be good for us humans should be obviously wrong, even if you believed that fighting was "natural" for humans.

frigginGlorious ✅

@o_andras @yogthos oh, like a single species of animals competing against eachother?

I guess when I think of natural competition, I think of competing against the rest of nature for survival. But idk if that's relevant.

But for species, there's territorial and mating stuff - I was reading about bird calls the other day.

I have a hammock hanging under these 2 oaks. Sometimes I just look up at the boughs. I think that they grow while competing for more sunlight. Right?

frigginGlorious ✅

@o_andras @yogthos I'm pretty sure that at its core, basic human goodness is overcoming the natural instinct of individual selfishness and doing what's best for everyone as a whole.

But thats the exception. Being selfless is exceptional.

I think that by default, in our natural state, we'd be greedy, consuming as much resources as we can.

My argument is dumb and falls a little short, I know. But the truth is in there somewhere, I'm sure of it.


@frigginglorious @o_andras if you think that humans are selfish and greedy by default, that's all the more argument to create systems that suppress such negative tendencies while encouraging positive ones.

Capitalism would be akin to taking an alcoholic to a bar in this scenario.

frigginGlorious ✅

@yogthos @o_andras "hey, what happened to your river?"

"Aw man, I'm hung over. I got real fucked up on stock market and I think I crashed it"

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