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Lori Emerson

is inordinately proud of this booklet that @rose_alibi and I wrote, designed, & printed ourselves as part of a series we're launching called Other Networks for Everyone. we'll mail off copies to everyone who signed up in the coming weeks and also will release a pdf soon on


@loriemerson @rose_alibi that looks so good! is it still possible to get on the list for the series? and/or support this in some way?

Lori Emerson

@emenel @rose_alibi thanks for asking! I think you can still send an email to <> with your address in the body of the email and blank subject line. we are always still happily accepting donations but the donation page is down for another week, I think...


@loriemerson @rose_alibi thanks! i will email now and watch for the opportunity to donate :)


@loriemerson @rose_alibi Amazing! Looking forward to PDF version or any format, really.

I tried to build a radio transmitter in college (with limited funds) and failed. I'm hoping I'll do better this time around.


@loriemerson I’m discovering the “Other Networks” project thanks to this post. What you do there seems really interesting.

Reminds me of what my friends at @laresille are doing. It’s a collaborative, feminist alternative fiction project exploring what “Internet” could look like if women didn’t get pushed out of IT.

Lori Emerson

@Sylvhem thank you and thanks too for letting me know about @laresille - sounds *exactly* up my alley!


@loriemerson You’re welcome! I thought you might enjoy it :).

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