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Simon Willison

Some notes on mlx-whisper - it's now really easy to run transcriptions through an Apple Silicon (and GPU) optimized Whisper model using Python on macOS

Matt Campbell

@simon Nitpick: Whisper is speech-to-text. Text-to-speech is speech synthesis.


@simon Do you know how this compares to whisper.cpp (which also uses the GPU on Macs)?

Simon Willison

@saurabhs anecdotally it sounds like it’s a lot faster: says

“distil-large-v3 runs 40X faster than realtime on my M1 Max (transcribes 12 minutes in 18 seconds)”

Bill Mill

@simon I wanted to know how the speed compares to `whisper.cpp`, since the openAI whisper is very slow on my mac, so I ran a test:

mlx ran almost 3x faster than whisper.cpp with a model of the same size, and both were using the GPU. I would love to know why it's so much faster!

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