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@simeon @makeworld @jonikorpi just begin with coal aver long distances. Price don't drop fast ^^


@makeworld just one more denomination bro. i promise bro just one more denomination and we'll find god bro. it's just one more denomination bro. please just one more. one more denomination and we'll figure out christianity bro. bro cmon just split once more and we'll solve theology i promise bro. bro bro please we just need one more schism t

Spacewizard! (Ed H)

@makeworld interactively rebasing after doing sed -i 's/homoiousios/homoousios/g'

Mark Whybird

@elithebearded @makeworld That’s because this is a zoomed in detail view of one fork of the master repo, from just after Islam forked off from Christianity. Here’s a zoomed out view.

OTOH OP’s diagram could also be zoomed in on to see further details like baptists vs methodists and various merge attempts too. It’s pretty much a fractal that probably goes down to each individual’s beliefs, and even then noting that a single individual might hold multiple contradictory beliefs at once, which also change over time.

(Edit: see below for a more impressive, and probably more accurate (to the degree that’s possible) version)

@elithebearded @makeworld That’s because this is a zoomed in detail view of one fork of the master repo, from just after Islam forked off from Christianity. Here’s a zoomed out view.

OTOH OP’s diagram could also be zoomed in on to see further details like baptists vs methodists and various merge attempts too. It’s pretty much a fractal that probably goes down to each individual’s beliefs, and even then noting that a single individual might hold multiple contradictory beliefs at once, which also change over time.

Martijn Faassen


@elithebearded @makeworld

"Nostratic pantheism" sounds cool but makes the warning in this chart about it being speculative rather understated.

The Nostratic language hypothesis is already extremely speculative, let alone anything about the religion practices of those hypothesized speakers.

Mark Whybird

@faassen @elithebearded @makeworld Your comment made me go looking to see if the chart’s designer had made any updates… and wowsers, look what I found!


Martijn Faassen


@elithebearded @makeworld

Looks cool for sure! I can't find the Nostratic pantheism anymore.

I think any connections before recorded history literally spanning thousands of years are speculative at best. Though potentially cultural continuity can be inferred from material artifacts, that doesn't necessarily mean religious continuity.

Whether it even makes sense to call ancient practices a religion is debatable. It's a pretty modern term with implications that may not work

Martijn Faassen


@elithebearded @makeworld

In Indo European languages there are hints of shared names for divinities reflected in Greek, Roman, Germanic and Hindu pantheons. This is fascinating!

I am not sure whether such shared linguistics roots exist in other languages. Various middle eastern groups have shared mythologies too but they had continuous close cultural contacts, also shown by Greek mythology having things in common with them.

Scott Williams 🐧

@elithebearded @makeworld That one was a hard fork, and Baha'i then hard forked from it. Mormonism is a hard fork that kept cherry picking commits and never fully removed the branded trademarks.


@makeworld time to start carefully merging and dealing with the *centuries* of conflicts

Luci For Tai Chi

@makeworld where’s my mormonism and 7th day adventists

Atomic Fox

@bri_seven @makeworld

"Not shown" according to the text at the bottom of the figure.

More importantly, this figure leaves off the Ukrainian Byzantine Lutherans.

Atomic Fox

@bri_seven @makeworld

No, they're in the chart : "Oriental Orthodox" covers the Ethiopian Church.


@makeworld Heh. Lucky for you, I was between shots, and I only spit out a little diet coke.


@makeworld Just in case you haven't heard, or have forgotten about, the emo philips joke:

Mark Whybird

@dirckb @makeworld I was literally thinking about this exact joke. So glad you found the source!


@whybird @makeworld

I got to see Emo live a number of years back. He was great. I still remember:

"I travel a lot for my work, but I'm not married and I don't have any children, so I don't really get the full benefit."


@makeworld That underground map desperately needs a northern line.

Zuri (he/him) 🕐 CET

@flo @makeworld That's maybe why Germans say, they "only understand train station" 🤔

Michael T. Bacon, Ph.D.

@ScottAS2 @makeworld LOL I just made the same joke before seeing yours. . .

Michael T. Bacon, Ph.D.


Oh, but it's fractal! Here's the diagram for JUST the Church of Scotland since the Reformation!

★ blue-caller ☆

@makeworld when’s the last time somebody saw the maintainer :neofox_confused:

Zuri (he/him) 🕐 CET

@bluecaller @makeworld I thought, this wasn't just one guy—wasn't it a father and a son high on spirits or something?



"Christians don't think for themselves. They just do what they're told."

"Christians keep thinking for themselves, creating new denominations whenever they do."

From the perspective of chaordic organisation, dynamic restructuring capability is an organisational strength, not a weakness.

"Chaord - (kay'ord) 1: any autocatalytic, self-regulating, adaptive, nonlinear, complex organism, organization, or system, whether physical, biological or social, the behavior of which harmoniously exhibits characteristics of both order and chaos. 2: an entity whose behavior exhibits patterns and probabilities not governed or explained by the behavior of its parts."


"Christians don't think for themselves. They just do what they're told."

"Christians keep thinking for themselves, creating new denominations whenever they do."

From the perspective of chaordic organisation, dynamic restructuring capability is an organisational strength, not a weakness.

"Chaord - (kay'ord) 1: any autocatalytic, self-regulating, adaptive, nonlinear, complex organism, organization, or system, whether physical, biological or social, the behavior of which harmoniously exhibits...


@makeworld lol only four branches for protestants? More like:


@makeworld I kind of love the idea that Caravaggio’s Beheading of John The Baptist is actually just depicting a detached HEAD situation.

Will Deakin

@makeworld lest we forget the Copts.

It's been a Copt since AD 42.

Joel VanderWerf


if somebody told me there was a 'git schism' command, I would probably believe them

Cher Tailor

@makeworld why is the Ancient Church of the East so recent? :p


@makeworld be careful
Since a few years
Church réformée et church lutherienne are now mixed together as "Eglise unie" = Epudf

Vex Machina

@makeworld ok everybody, code-freeze, we're gonna try and rebase this

Animatronic Pumpkin

@makeworld Shouldn't "Early Christianity" be less of a line and more of a cloud?


@makeworld Nothing screams "our shared experience of the same objective reality" more than charts like this one. Everyone is entitled to their own imagination, but not to their own reality

Craig Nicol

@makeworld and I thought my merge conflicts had bad side effects 😨

Quinn Norton

@makeworld the grey early line was even worse i don't even know what this codebase is about anymore.

Óscar Morales Vivó

@makeworld Look I disagree with you about this very specific detail about the divinity of Jesus so I'm going to fork the whole repo and build my own church.

sudo beep

@makeworld 🤩 at "full communism" in the middle

(I will not be hearing corrections)

Brad Rubenstein “:verified:”

This doesn't show the american fork, where we tried to merge the protestants, but there were too many conflicts.


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