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Tony Hoyle

My experience is I've spent lots of time fixing iOS because it's so hard to debug (due to the mac requirement) but due to the market share of iOS you just have to deal with it. Macos is not worth our time.

The hardware upgrade treadmill means our mac mini build server is probably on borrowed time, and that's in a data centre so a pain to replace.

Jason Maltzen

@tony @eniko Most of my macOS/iOS debugging time lately is figuring out why the heck code signing is broken *yet again*.

Tony Hoyle

Provisioning profiles need to die in a fire. We've mostly got fastlane doing the heavy lifting for builds which only breaks occasionally (Apple seem to randomly revoke authorisations which breaks the build until someone can go in and reset them).

Getting to that point was a lot of sweat and tears though. The scripting around it all isn't something I could replicate easily.

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