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We're aware of reports that access to Signal has been blocked in some countries. As a reminder, Signal's built-in censorship circumvention feature might be able to help if your connection is affected:

Signal Settings > Privacy > Advanced > Censorship circumvention (on)


We have already started working on more advanced censorship circumvention techniques, but in order for these efforts to be most effective we need the big companies who are dragging their feet on moving away from plaintext SNI headers to start taking this problem more seriously.


Solutions like Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) remove the plaintext server name from the TLS handshake, which makes it far more difficult for hostile ISPs to block access to the sites and services you care about — but this isn’t widely supported yet. We hope that starts to change.


In the meantime, our team will continue to do everything we can to maintain and restore access to Signal. We appreciate your patience and support.

Deirdre Connolly¹

@signalapp It will see more adoption when the RFCs are finalized, they are currently technically not quite yet

Network is reliable

@signalapp Keep in mind that many highly censored countries you talk about just will ban ECH at all. So I don't think that your solution is viable.

Network is reliable

@dinosm @signalapp It's already done in Russia using DPI for example.

Rich Felker

@dinosm @network_is_reliable @signalapp Yes, but that's not practical if all mainstream sites use ECH. Adoption is critical to everybody's safety.

Network is reliable

@dalias @dinosm @signalapp As long as mainstream sites have to be back-compatible with previous TLS versions usage of ECH won't be practical at all as tool against censorship. And keep in mind that there are countries which already banned Google and Youtube. ECH will be just banned too.

The Krangled

@network_is_reliable @signalapp The only way to "ban ECH" would be to ban the internet entirely. If ECH is part of the TLS handshake then you can't ban it any more than you can ban HTTPS. You would have to disallow any browser that uses it as standard, firewall off any traffic that uses it, and basically stop existing on the internet.

And you'd still get fucked by a VPN.

Network is reliable

@krangled @signalapp ECH is just a TLS extension, and it is blocked in Russia, as I said. You can establish a connection without it, but ECH and eSNI (previous attempt) are banned. And yes, Russia is country which started to block Signal messenger today, and a few weeks ago started to slowdown and block Youtube. So yes, they can break the Internet as they want, despite the collateral damage.

So relying on ECH is not an option for countries like Iran, Turkmenistan, China, Russia.

The Krangled

@network_is_reliable @signalapp Reductionist tripe. By this non-logic we should just not give a shit about anything because at some level every government can just turn off the internet if they choose.

Further, shitting on a technology because an abusive regime doesn't like it is as close to dictator-slurping as you can get without becoming a ballchinian.

"Don't even try to improve, because Daddy Poots might have a big sad."

@signalapp What are those advanced circumvention techniques?
I wasn't aware of that circumvention feature. Great!
Also would help if you put the #signal and #signalmessenger hashtag to your main post. People can find your post easier.
Maikel 🇪🇺

@signalapp could we know which ones are the countries this happens?


@signalapp I run a signal proxy! email me: glenmerlin at glenmerlin dot me for the link!


@signalapp because Telegram is most secure messaging app ever, russia blocked Signal 😂😂😂

DavidsCreation 🇵🇸

@signalapp will signal work with this on if someone went on holiday to China for example?

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