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Hannah Steenbock


Thank you!
I'm in tears here. ❤️
Thank you so much!

Sometimes, the only way to stop the ideas from messing up my brain is to write them down. That's how I started - and I think that's where I'm headed again this month. Hopefully, it lasts for a while, I love watching stories grow as my fingers type them out.


shom 🐧📷🤿🏔️🪚

> “I love watching stories grow as my fingers type them out.”
I had a vivid image of hands typing on an old typewriter and a tree of life growing with each stroke of the keys. If I could sketch that would be a neat visual to create.

Hannah Steenbock


That's a neat image, indeed. 😍

I did learn to type on one of those old ones. I'm very glad keyboards are so much easier on the hands, though. 🙃


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