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Shadow Cheetah

@Firlefanz @shom Interesting!

I view it as a tier, not one or the other. So we start with information, which informs our feelings.

Allistics tend to start with feelings, which informs how they handle the information.

In the end, we all can have both, but our order of operations are flipped. XD

Hannah Steenbock


Yes! That makes sense.

Like different paths in a flow chart. (Back to systems, eh?) And we pick one and NTs tend to pick another, but it all leads to sharing and fun if we can make it work.



@Firlefanz @shadowcheets @shom
Hmmm 🤔
Do both path's reach the same result, you think? I doubt that.

Starting with feelings and do facts later, tends to filter the free flow of incoming information, does it not?

Emotions often tend to lead to irrationality to make facts fits, or else invent new facts.
(see recent politics and social tendencies for an illustration)

It would be nice if both path's would lead to shared views.
It definitely is fun if it works, I agree with that.

@Firlefanz @shadowcheets @shom
Hmmm 🤔
Do both path's reach the same result, you think? I doubt that.

Starting with feelings and do facts later, tends to filter the free flow of incoming information, does it not?

Emotions often tend to lead to irrationality to make facts fits, or else invent new facts.
(see recent politics and social tendencies for an illustration)

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