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Steffo 🐲

@shadowcheets Thank you!! Bookmarked it, so I can send it to other people who, I think, need to read this.

And as an autistic person myself.. yeah, I sometimes "want" to censor myself, when the response to my talking is just.. quiet. Nothing. Only the awkwardness of nobody responding to my talking is left. It's as if I destroyed the conversation and it's all my fault.

Happened way too often. :(

1 comment
Shadow Cheetah

@SteffoSpieler I feel this so much! It can be rough when you try to engage in a really personal way, and there's just nothing. It feels like personal rejection, because for most of us, our minds are the most important part of the world. And then you share yours and everyone shows it's the last thing they wanted to know about.

I info dumped the details myself in another post here, but I really think the core is that we can't communicate unless information is shared, and allistics can't communicate until feelings are established, so you end up with this nearly mutually exclusive order problem. But since they outnumber is, their way is considered the only right way.

I'm really hoping someday, there is enough understanding that we can all meet in the middle. Right not, autistic have to build the entire bridge to others.

@SteffoSpieler I feel this so much! It can be rough when you try to engage in a really personal way, and there's just nothing. It feels like personal rejection, because for most of us, our minds are the most important part of the world. And then you share yours and everyone shows it's the last thing they wanted to know about.

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