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War and Peas 🧿

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Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈

@warandpeas Thinking animals suggests the humans evolved into them.....


@warandpeas Remember those humans - most disrespectful, selfish, destructive, uncaring of all lifeforms ever created. only reason people are attempting to save the environment and other lifeforms is that we are realizing that if they are destroyed, we will be destroyed in the process.


@warandpeas Plot Twist: These are Hourserodents - a form of mice that lives Like horses.


@warandpeas #alttext four panel #warandpeas cartoon titled "One million years from now..." showing a landscape with two animals grazing (munch munch), until one looks up and says "Hey, remember humans?" and the other replies "No." and they just keep on grazing

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