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War and Peas 🧿

It's INTERNATIONAL CAT DAY and that's our olympics!

Give your cat an extra cuddle today and if you don't have one – have a heart – and go pet that shaggy stray alley cat! Lord Nibbles will be proud of you and might spare you from eternal damnation.


@warandpeas I hope I meet a neighbor cat again on the way home :)



JD Vance, or whatever his name is today, should never pet a cat, for obvious reasons.

Deborah Sampson

@warandpeas I see your post as divine providence…or a nod to the “cat gods”…
My gloriously malevolent overlord…aka…my grandcat, Mish…
Has been missing…For 3 days.
I’m a new to cat caregiving. I’ve been so worried.

Today he came home…surprised by the fuss.
It’s a very good cat day.


I am 76yrs old and have had Cats all of my years
I remember them all with a Smile & regret that they were only here with me for awhile
VUNC, my Girl Cat, Very Unique Nice Cat, is still in my thoughts every day, I miss her.
"Jack" Cat is my buddy at the Moment, spotted leopard (California Spangle)
WE are pals, would have been a Circus if Vunc & Jack had been a team
Love Your Cat, They will Love You back

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