@jaythurbershow @textfiles In the first 30 seconds or so, it sounds like he's talking to you; I think I recognize your voice a few times...? 😔 @JaminBogi @textfiles That was just Clarke talking to the listener; he was masterful at making each person in the audience think he was talking to them individually, rather than addressing a crowd on the radio. I learned a lot from him. He deserved better from radio than what he got. I did a 6 o'clock news cast for him for a while on Saturdays in a 1960s style --- teletype noises and all --- until ownership told us to stop. Apparently we were having too much fun. 😅 @jaythurbershow @textfiles Right after he says "you're thinking of Bob Sherman [something something]," it really sounds like you saying "Really?" But I guess you know you better than me, lol! Getting in trouble for being creative and fun...really hits home for me. In ways I can't share here. You really tricked me with the Jeremy Renner bit, btw, right up until he spoke! @JaminBogi @textfiles 🤣 I was wondering if I got anyone with that!! Clarke once told me if I had worked for him when he was program director at iHeart, "we'd be in the general manager's office with you a lot" 😂 @JaminBogi @textfiles One night I did some spoof about the Pirates when they were in a particularly shitty stretch, the hotline phone went off, and it was Clarke. "Y'know," he said, and then there was this long pause ... "... if this was Clear Channel you'd be in my office Monday morning explaining why I shouldn't fire you" and then he just hung up 🙃😁 |
@JaminBogi @textfiles I might have been at the studio for this show. Unfortunately, I had no idea it was going to be Clarke's last show. Neither did he. This hurts my heart to listen to. 💔