@JaminBogi @textfiles That was just Clarke talking to the listener; he was masterful at making each person in the audience think he was talking to them individually, rather than addressing a crowd on the radio. I learned a lot from him. He deserved better from radio than what he got.
I did a 6 o'clock news cast for him for a while on Saturdays in a 1960s style --- teletype noises and all --- until ownership told us to stop. Apparently we were having too much fun. 😅
@jaythurbershow @textfiles Right after he says "you're thinking of Bob Sherman [something something]," it really sounds like you saying "Really?" But I guess you know you better than me, lol!
Getting in trouble for being creative and fun...really hits home for me. In ways I can't share here.
You really tricked me with the Jeremy Renner bit, btw, right up until he spoke!