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It kinda feels like we are at an impossible to task to "make things more fair", politicians are throwing things up like "tax cuts" that only benefit the ultra rich, like always, talk about "tips" and how that should not be taxes?

The solution is quite fcking simple:


THAT is how we make things more fair in the economy and not with bullshit laws that are only made for the wealthy!

Again, what do I know. I'm only human no politician


And STOP with bullshit excuses like:

"Yeaaaahh... but if we tax the rich they will leave our country for a better tax heaven"

My response:


I'll help them move, rather yesterday!

If the rich don't wanna pay up, kick them out or put them in jail 🤷 That's what happens with other people also if they EVADE tax like the rich do

Personally I'm so done with this stupid game


@stux If we just eat one billionare the rest will fall in line

✿ Floby 💉😷💨

@kelsiraespace @stux problem with this approach is that none of them look like they'd be good meat


@floby @kelsiraespace Well.. if that was the choise im gonna be vegan right away

食 Shoku the MN Wolf

@stux let's make politics a minimum wage job and impose the same kind of ethics rules that the bottom rung employees get at corporations. You get zero gifts. Let's see how long it takes them to decide what a living wage is then.


@TheMNWolf @stux I mean I get the idea but that's how you get a great majority of landlord/venture capitalist/millionaire+ politicians.


I'll say it again..

If you are a billionaire.. you have a serious sickness.

There is no valid reason in this universe one should hord so much while so much suffer

Billionaires have an illeness.

Angie 🇵🇸🇺🇦


Being a billionaire should be viewed with the same concern for wellbeing as a double-wide stacked from top to bottom with undiscarded garbage and dead cats. It's the same mental illness.


@stux Billionaires are not the result of brilliant decisions, they are the result of horrendous decisions.

Peter P. Lupo ✅

@stux as I understand (and I'm open to a honest and respectful conversation), billionaires don't keep their money under the cushion. Their wealth is not sitting still on a bank account. It's all assets, which is usually businesses, companies, investments that give people jobs, allow new business to be created, and grow. All of which help societies to offer better and more accessible services and products, improving everyone's lives and creating more wealth for everyone.

Peter P. Lupo ✅

@stux eventually some of the benefitted people will have ideas, get funded, be successful, and become billionaires themselves in a virtuous cycle.

In general, countries with more billionaires have a better overall quality of life. There's a positive correlation.

They are not simply hoarding money.

Mx Verda

@pplupo @stux If the assets don’t matter, then liquidate them and pay 80% tax on all wealth, income, profits, and otherwise

Peter P. Lupo ✅

@MxVerda @stux not sure what you meant. The assets DO matter. They are the most important thing in this whole cycle I mentioned. Care to clarify?

Mx Verda

@pplupo @stux They have either money (good for them) or power by controlling those assets the rest of us plebs don’t have.


@pplupo In some cases for sure but not all unfort, and if they are it's the question in far of a capacity they really provide such things

Elon would be a good example of a "useless billionaire" while Gates would be perhaps more in the first cat


@pplupo And it's not about "hording money" perse as it is avoiding paying taxes for example, so taking their part in the "normal way" of contributing instead of their "special billionaire way" with "giving jobs" that benefit taxes left and right

It's like the more capital one owns the less responsiblity they seem to have "beacuse they give us X or Y"

Peter P. Lupo ✅

@stux where are they taking the money from? There's not enough money laying around, it's all in the asset's, which is extremely beneficial. Much more than the actual taxes, because it's allowing everyone to get money in their pockets too.

Peter P. Lupo ✅

@stux I want to take the chance to appreciate the respectful conversation. Thank you for the opportunity.

Mx Verda

@stux I too liked that Some More News video asking Are Rich People Okay

Janet Grootebroeder

@stux They have a sick mind, sounds better to me.


@stux I'm beginning to wonder. The power in the hands of the likes of Putin + cronies, Burlusconi & big Pharm, and then developing nations like Maduro's and Modi's, not to mention Musk... someone needs to fight for real democracy. Capital seems to be winning.

We need to start looking at this as a global issue, where corporate "states" are gaining more power than nation states, made clear by the takeovers of those nation states.

The tools for taxing the rich are out rusting in the shed.

Yakyu Night Owl

@stux If they stopped handing out dual citizenship to everyone with a fat billfold, that would sure help.

I don't remember the Statue of Liberty inviting parasites and part-time Americans for a lark.


They're not paying anyways. So we lose nothing if they leave.


@stux I think a German comedic show discussed this problem of tax evasion of particularly wealthy citizens. In that regard they did not limit it to billionaires but also included multimillionaires.

They claimed, they could hardly move all away, esp. since much wealth is bound in property; and even if they did, much – particularly nice – housing would become available, easing the current housing problem in Germany.

A bit cynical, but still accurate. :BlobhajBlanketSlate:

✿ Floby 💉😷💨

@stux with this argument I'm always puzzled because I don't understand the nature of the risk that they're invoking. Are they going to leave with their money? Is their money benefitting us in some way right now? Are they going to leave with their real estate?


@floby Yup.. For companies I can "understand" the reasons maybe but still i totally disagree

We need to draw a line or stop doing business perhaps if they won't otherwise

Darrin West

@stux The problem with the “fear” of losing billionaires and headquarters of corporations overseas is that it is based on the false assumption that having them domestic is an advantage. Like their money and presence benefits the population. That it must trickle down. But what they do is sail yachts and build golf courses polluting and using resources unwisely. We’d be better off having them play with the Orcas.

Nad :imagination:

@stux yeah the thing I'm wondering though is that they already don't pay their taxes. If we tax them more, would it change anything?

Anime Animals アニメの動物

We also need to plug loopholes like stock options. It's insane that corporations can work with their C-suite execs to cheat governments of billions in taxes using creative accounting.

Chris. R. 🎧🎼☕🍍

@stux why should billionaires even need any tax cuts in the first place?


@haploc It should be the other way around


@haploc Here in the NL the excuse i often hear is for multi bill comanies for examples, they wanna keep them in the country for the jobs they provide etc but i wonder if that goes up..

@haploc @stux @haploc @stux
Tax cuts could give companies more breathing room to absorb the risings costs of labor, goods, or regulatory fees, without passing those costs down to their customers.

@stux I have an idea. Tie the max amount of wealth a person can acquire before it's taxed at 100% to 3 million times the maximum (since there are various qualifiers) untipped minimum wage per hour, so $7.25/hour (federal minimum) becomes a cap of $21.75 million.

If there's a difference in minimum wage depending on where their primary residence in the US is, then it goes in descending order forfeiting the difference to the various jurisdictions


@stux Example: they live in Renton, Washington which has a minimum wage of $20.29/hr, so that's a cap of $60,870,000 overall. Everything above that is forfeited to Renton.
Washington has a minimum wage of $16.28/hr, so anything between $48,840,000 and $60,870,000 is forfeited to Washington state.
The US untipped minimum wage is $7.25, so anything between $21,750,000 and $48,840,000 is forfeited to the federal government


@stux The point of 50’s-era 90% marginal tax rates was to incent companies to invest money into their businesses. These investments were tax-deductible, thereby reducing taxes while providing a benefit to society. Merely reducing the marginal tax rate allows business and the wealthy to just hold the wealth, without producing any benefit to society. We should create a separate, higher rate structure for those who choose to leave the US while keeping all the benefits of being here.


@stux This could be in the form of much higher property taxes for assets valued at more than $100 million, or whatever high level is acceptable. Doesn’t matter where the ownership lies, the cost of protecting the asset, providing public services and access is still funded by such a tax. With a “penalty” for having foreign ownership instead of being fully in the US. Works exactly the same for any other country if they so choose.


@chris sst don't tell 'em :blobcatgiggle: