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Jason Snell :zeppelin:

Why "utter contempt?" It's saying that, even if I know for a fact that I want to give a particular app permission, macOS will treat me a like a child and keep asking me. Because Apple doesn't believe I am qualified to grant permanent permission to any app.

Another sign that the people in charge of security and privacy features at Apple are out of control and that nobody who stands up for user experience is being heard.

Michael Miller :blobrdm: 🦆

@jsnell Somehow even worse than contempt, it's ultimately ineffectual. You're re-creating UAC from Windows. Nicely done.

Jiří Fiala Total Landscaping

@raineer @jsnell it of course leads only to everyone allowing everything, completely defeating the purpose


@raineer @jsnell this is worse than UAC. UAC just asks people if they are sure they want to run something with higher levels of privileges than their account currently has. So if they want to run something as admin, then UAC is required (with an optional password prompt depending on the environment). UAC is really no different to 'sudo <command>' then being prompted for your password.

I use windows regularly and the only time I see UAC is ... 1/


@raineer @jsnell ... when I am installing something or running something new from the web. What Apple is doing here is so far beyond that.


Jason Snell :zeppelin:

"Asking for one week permissions is untenable and insulting”


feel free to dupe

Jeff Johnson

@jsnell If you’re filing feedback, you could also file one about how Apple keeps prompting to login to Feedback Assistant.

Tom Schmidt

@jsnell Absolutely. A nightmare in the making in corporate environments. Ugh.

Michael Argentini

@jsnell I’m also aggravated about the removal of the control key override for bypassing gatekeeper. The people they claim to protect don’t even know it exists.

Marc Robinson :mastodon:

@argentini @jsnell Maybe this is all to keep Apple Intelligence from getting *too* intelligent. 🤔


@jsnell FB14695544 filed and referenced yours, this is creating more harm in the long run than the anticipated "security" gain in the first place, notification fatique is a real thing. hopefully there will bem profiles/setting to set for at least corporate approved apps


@jsnell Just when I thought I might dip my toe in and buy a MBA. This is what drove me to windows before they started to care about the Mac again.

Aleen (she/her)

@jsnell it's also creating alert fatigue--it's not going to take long for users to just allow everything all the time.

Dan Ryan :dryan:

@jsnell @aleen yup. This is an anti pattern like requiring regular password changes. Net negative for user security.

Dr Sarah Hendrica Bickerton

@jsnell @aleen Yup, we saw the same thing with that period where everyone was required to regularly change their passwords by their companies ... it didn't result in greater security, it actually created less security because people were creating simpler easier passwords.


@sarahhbickerton @jsnell @aleen “That period”? Is right now. Both my employer and our client is requesting that I change password every three months…
I hate it!

David Crooks 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

@aleen @jsnell I’d already replied to Jason about this, but - this is a very common operational issue that we deal with (I do security for big research infrastructures) - if the monitoring is always red then it’s telling you precisely nothing.

Chris Mackay 🇨🇦

@jsnell As if this won’t simply result in users approving EVERYTHING (but at least Apple gets to wipe their hands of the damage in this decision’s wake). 🙄

Aaron :apple_inc: :isles:

@jsnell 💯 spot on. Periodically prompting like location on iOS does? Sure. Weekly? GTFO. I’d hope there’ll be a way to disable that or script an auto-approve method.

Troldann Arothin

@jsnell My first reaction to seeing this news was, "Wow, Apple is really telling gamers where they stand (not that it's anything new) by making it extremely annoying to be a videogame streamer on an Apple OS."

I know this hits a lot more than that, but that's just where my brain went first.

Michael Argentini

@jsnell can’t they just add a “Pro” mode that doesn’t implement the annoyances intended for the ignorant?


@jsnell You are coming to a sad realization. Cancel or allow? #helloImAMac

Opiniated Charles

@jsnell @lolopb An option for “monitor background activity and remind me in X days” would be great

Owen 🇦🇺 

@jsnell This is anticompetitive behaviour from Apple (wrapped in the guise of being for “security” reasons).

It will undoubtedly have the effect of “encouraging” customers to stop using some legit and useful 3rd party apps because they’re sick of constantly being nagged at.

There should always be an “always allow for this app” option!

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