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Michael Miller :blobrdm: 🦆

@jsnell Somehow even worse than contempt, it's ultimately ineffectual. You're re-creating UAC from Windows. Nicely done.

Jiří Fiala Total Landscaping

@raineer @jsnell it of course leads only to everyone allowing everything, completely defeating the purpose


@raineer @jsnell this is worse than UAC. UAC just asks people if they are sure they want to run something with higher levels of privileges than their account currently has. So if they want to run something as admin, then UAC is required (with an optional password prompt depending on the environment). UAC is really no different to 'sudo <command>' then being prompted for your password.

I use windows regularly and the only time I see UAC is ... 1/


@raineer @jsnell ... when I am installing something or running something new from the web. What Apple is doing here is so far beyond that.


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