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If you're posting a link to YouTube and there isn't any embedded video appearing in the post, it's possibly because YouTube has started automatically putting a shortener ( on its sharing links.

To have a link that will embed properly in a Mastodon etc post, use the full version of the YouTube video's address which begins (instead of You can get this full version from the address bar of your web browser when you're watching the video.

#FediTips #YouTube

Ozzy using youtube address bar to share link also avoids some google tracking

Franz Graf

@FediTips ahhh! I wondered when the video was embedded and when not .. thanks!

Magenta Rocks


cc: @stokes I seem to recall you were asking about this recently? ✌️


@MagentaRocks @FediTips Thanks for this (well remembered!) but I think it's an issue with the way YouTube is now inserting ads into the start of videos, not short URLs. I was trying to unpick it on this thread:


@stokes @MagentaRocks

Hmm... 🤔 Posted the shortener thing above because someone had messaged me asking about it, and in their example the shortener didn't work while the full length address did work.

I wonder if there are two different things happening at once here, as it doesn't seem as clearcut as it appeared at first?


@stokes @MagentaRocks

I just tried the example you gave ( and that worked fine now.

So, it seems to be an intermittent thing in some cases at least?

(I'm assuming here that you can see the preview below, it's possible that your server won't render it as each server renders its own previews.)


@FediTips I just had that happen with a gift link from the WaPo



I'm using Freetube to watch youtube videos so I can't copy link with "" but only ""



If you copy the link into a browser, it will turn into a link as that's the real address of the video.


@gnu_alex Does it work to manually replace that part of the url with the other?

cognitively accessible math

@FediTips Thanks! I was trying to figure out what the issue was.

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