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Eugen Rochko

Gordon Ramsey be like "Step one to running a successful restaurant is having a clean kitchen" and every time restaurant owners are like 😳 😳 😳 😩 😩 😩

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@Gargron "cooking means cleaning"
/ Srila Pralipdahu

Mr. Snrub from far away

@Gargron it's the simple things like evicting the sentient hepatitis in the walk-in, and changing the frier oil from the Carter era that make Gordon's flagellating profanity strewn lectures so enriching

Robert "Chiaroscuro" Armstrong

@Gargron Step two on Kitchen nightmares is always "Shrink your bloated menu", and I tell you, the last two standard* places I worked I was begging (But they're corporate and not my chef's call.)
*: Buffet does not count, nor does the semi-industrial cook chill support of a half-dozen restaurants where we made 200 gallons of chicken soup a week.

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