@MrsMouse@flexion I think the TurobLinux US distribution had nobodies attention since it was a _bad_ fork of Redhat ~4 (I know a lot of us put love into it, but it was bad).
At the office we had some folks from the Japan Turbolinux visit and show us their distro and we were all in total awe of how amazing it was compared to what we were working on.
@MrsMouse@flexion I remembered I have one artifact from around this time... After TurboLinux I ended up working for Penguin Computing! For Christmas we all got these watches. I wore this thing for _years_ as you can see its quite worn down. I'd love to get it fixed up at some point.
@MrsMouse @flexion I think the TurobLinux US distribution had nobodies attention since it was a _bad_ fork of Redhat ~4 (I know a lot of us put love into it, but it was bad).
At the office we had some folks from the Japan Turbolinux visit and show us their distro and we were all in total awe of how amazing it was compared to what we were working on.