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look, i know it's a thing where someone who doesn't understand the problem at hand (me) looks at what people are doing (webdevs) and goes "what is going on"

but i have lived through countless webdevs complaining about the "mysterious asset pipeline" breaking again and all i can think of is "we have reinvented C++ but with a whole different class of format string like issues" when i see what absolute torment passes for a build process

we have learned nothing from automake and autoconf, nothing


look i know there's reasons behind "we bundle the entire thing up only then to split it back out into pieces, automatically" but

so much of web dev feels like "complex ways to do what you did before for no meaningful benefit other than the satisfaction of solving a harder problem than you needed to"

at some point you have to ask why there are webapps that send over a docker container's worth of code to insert html into a web page, where the html is rendered server side for speed, of course


i am not saying things used to be better i am saying we're repeating our old mistakes, but the landing pages do look much nicer though, sure


look you will get to an age after suffering through some of the worst internal tools known to mankind, ones that make salesforce seem friendly and slick, and you will hear some dev talking about "flimshaking the respirator in order to re-goo the cookies" and your cookies have never needed re-gooing and you're kinda wondering what the hell people are doing to get into that kinda mess to begin with


also i cannot get over that a lot of these approaches come from performance reasons

it's like "why are you hydrating the dom through batched async requests to the server side rendering cache" "ah it would be slow otherwise "

"why's it slow" "well, in order to hydrate the dom via async requests we're sending over about 20 megs of compressed javascript"


@tef I still mostly believe that this is the best type of website:

Jokes aside, I hate most javascript web "apps". If I wanted an application, I'd download one. :pepe_g:

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