@drq@mastodon.ml Or you carry on being blind to your true intentions behind all this rationalization. Can you tell that your vision is the only true one there? :)
And i disagree. Emotions towards your job are ok. Yeah, in some cases that may (and in most cases will) lead to one getting less money for their time. May lead to opposite as well sometimes. But. That may lead to less stress, more satisfaction off the work itself. Feeling of doing something important or meaningful. Which leads to less mental issues. And this vision of your job as emotionless exchanging your time for money in some cases may (and in most cases will) lead to exhausting and/or another mental issues.
Cold calculated take? Somehow not taking into account such something as important as mental health, focusing only on basic formal interactions? From a man that won't miss a single opportunity to mention that such systems are not as important as people behind them?
Ok :)
Let's do it this way. Yeah, sure, that was only a take on a problem. Friendly advice on how to survive in this cruel world, nothing more. I see what i wanna see.