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Dr. Quadragon ❌

Never play defense when negotiating salary or a contract. They are not your friends. They're out to rip you off, and they expect you to do the same unto them, this is how the game works. Everything you have will be exploited against you as a leverage to pay you less than you deserve, including your compassion, and your love for the craft. Or should I say, *especially* your compassion and your love for the craft. Never let anyone take you for a ride.

EredYasibu:ancom: Especially when they say "we're all family in the company."

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@EredYasibu Yes. Fuck this. You are my and these people's counteragent, not my mom or dad, not even a stepbrother. Right off the bat, you're not "all family".

As for the coworkers - yeah, there *can* be a very family-like solidarity amongst the coworkers, but let *me* be the fucking judge of that.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

No pocket money.



OHHH THOSE EVIL CAPITALISTS. They are not your friends! They will eat you alive!
And there is my boss. Literally one of the best people i know, treating me with kindness and patience I doubt i deserved. He is not my friend but he did more good to me then most of people who called me their friend.
Don't extrapolate your negative experience to the whole world.

OHHH THOSE EVIL CAPITALISTS. They are not your friends! They will eat you alive!
And there is my boss. Literally one of the best people i know, treating me with kindness and patience I doubt i deserved. He is not my friend but he did more good to me then most of people who called me their friend.
Dr. Quadragon ❌

@pastecat You got a boss that acts friendly towards you? That's fine, you are very lucky, me too, but that's completely besides the point.

The point is, the way the system is set up, ethics is a luxury. It is followed just as long as it brings more money, or at least isn't eating on the profit too much. When shit gets tough, is it, ultimately, "a friend in need is a friend indeed", "everybody's out for themselves"?

The former isn't to be expected when you're entering the workforce. It's nice, really nice when that happens. But isn't the expectation. The latter is. So you will be tested, and you will need to stay your ground. It's you who will be doing all the work anyway, not the boss, so when you negotiate salary, you gotta negotiate, without any shame, the highest the circumstances allow.

Never play defense. If you have to sell yourself, never undersell yourself.

That's what I'm saying.

@pastecat You got a boss that acts friendly towards you? That's fine, you are very lucky, me too, but that's completely besides the point.

The point is, the way the system is set up, ethics is a luxury. It is followed just as long as it brings more money, or at least isn't eating on the profit too much. When shit gets tough, is it, ultimately, "a friend in need is a friend indeed", "everybody's out for themselves"?

twꙮ now with much less hate/anger, that sounds much more reasonable/meaningful actually, i got your point.

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@pastecat You carry on seeing what you wanna see.

What I was and am saying, doesn't have anything to do with hate or anything like that though. It's a cold, calculated take on a cold, calculating system, in which it's ultimately only about what you're getting and what you're giving up, and how to get more while giving up less.

Somehow it decided that emotions are a weakness to exploit. And it works!

So, I would advise any new worker anywhere neither hate, nor love, nor fear, but to lend no emotional attachment to the workplace whatsoever. If somebody you sell something to starts appealing to your emotions, trying to scare you or put you down, or on the other hand, sweet-talk you, play you up, there's a very good chance that they are trying to lowball you. Basic market stuff, you know.

Here, you're selling your labour. So. Neither the leash of dismissal nor the carrot of "company loyalty" should concern you. You are not your job. You are your work, alright, but you are not your job.

@pastecat You carry on seeing what you wanna see.

What I was and am saying, doesn't have anything to do with hate or anything like that though. It's a cold, calculated take on a cold, calculating system, in which it's ultimately only about what you're getting and what you're giving up, and how to get more while giving up less.

twꙮ Or you carry on being blind to your true intentions behind all this rationalization. Can you tell that your vision is the only true one there? :)
And i disagree. Emotions towards your job are ok. Yeah, in some cases that may (and in most cases will) lead to one getting less money for their time. May lead to opposite as well sometimes. But. That may lead to less stress, more satisfaction off the work itself. Feeling of doing something important or meaningful. Which leads to less mental issues. And this vision of your job as emotionless exchanging your time for money in some cases may (and in most cases will) lead to exhausting and/or another mental issues.
Cold calculated take? Somehow not taking into account such something as important as mental health, focusing only on basic formal interactions? From a man that won't miss a single opportunity to mention that such systems are not as important as people behind them?
Ok :)
Let's do it this way. Yeah, sure, that was only a take on a problem. Friendly advice on how to survive in this cruel world, nothing more. I see what i wanna see.
*wink-wink* Or you carry on being blind to your true intentions behind all this rationalization. Can you tell that your vision is the only true one there? :)
And i disagree. Emotions towards your job are ok. Yeah, in some cases that may (and in most cases will) lead to one getting less money for their time. May lead to opposite as well sometimes. But. That may lead to less stress, more satisfaction off the work itself. Feeling of doing something important or meaningful. Which leads to less mental...

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