Americans will do anything to avoid learning the metric system
@chrisg @LilahTovMoon 84 centicorgis Err, I mean decicorgis. 84 decicorgis. 840 centicorgis. That's a good point. It needed 84, 1/10 scale corgies. None of that fancy fraction nonsense. @chrisg @LilahTovMoon I legit thought the 0.4 was a chihuahua and honestly... missed opportunity there. @nanobri @chrisg @LilahTovMoon yeah, we don't need the 0.4 corgi if we use corgis and chihuahuas just as they use feet and inches @LilahTovMoon I’m an American but have lived overseas for over 22 years now and just got used to the metric system and now have trouble going back to not using it when I go home for a visit…I wish America would just switch to metric already. @saja0486 @LilahTovMoon Give them time, after all it was only legal in 1866 and the act to change was only in 1975 Toronto's basket ball team had an American player (actually there are lots of them), but this one in particular about 20 years ago now was a total winner. He wanted to get traded back to the United States and the mockery he received was just gold when one of his reasons was "my kids learn metric here. Where in the world are they gonna use that?" Can someone make an image of how many milliSimonBiles a full size Corgi is? For science. @LilahTovMoon the number of bald eagles per football field this car can go is too damn few. that's fair although most of the world plays football, it's the biggest sport in the world, just Americans who don't have much relationship with it because you made your own American Football... which is just complicated rugby @amici @LilahTovMoon I find it funny that everybody thinks that I'm american, because I use "soccer" to say football. Because that's what I learnt when I learnt English. In Germany we use Saarlands, a Saarland is a total of 359.913 Football fields (and a state). @fantazo @LilahTovMoon @LilahTovMoon. The #DogsOfMastodon are very proud to be on the same graphic as Simone Biles. They heartily approve this message. ME: SI system is the best one, you can't create anything better. also ME: Well...Ok you might be onto something with corgi.👍 😂 I LOVE corgi 😍 @LilahTovMoon I for one am here for our corgi-centric measurement of distance. Also see my preferred measurement of area brought to my attention by Eddie Izzard: Cats per square ironing board. @LilahTovMoon a prototype corgi made of platinum is held under a glass dome in the Capitol
@LilahTovMoon I do love that the .4 corgi scales proportionally though, that was a good choice @LilahTovMoon If Americans can use metric for cocaine they can use it for everything else. /s @LilahTovMoon It's actually explaining 12 feet, showing we don't really know United States customary units either @LilahTovMoon Wouldn't 12 feet be 3 corgis? I mean, if each corgi has the usual 4 feet they're normally born with, of course. @DekaBlack @LilahTovMoon because there isn't a compelling reason to switch all at once. Add in a strong cultural bias towards contrarian behavior, and you've got a recipe for the switch taking a long time. I'm more comfortable with US standard and customary units for human centric things, and tend to use whatever system is more convenient for everything else. In the machine shop I use it's primarily inches, because the mill and lathe have imperial lead screws. @dr_a @LilahTovMoon Thansk. It was just curiosity, really. Never thought about that particular cultural bias you say. @DekaBlack @kaisan Yeah sadly, sometimes i can imagine perfectly serious diplomatic problems caused by measuring systems @LilahTovMoon It’s true. What’s worse, they don’t indicate whether they’re using Cardigan or Pembroke Corgis as their metric. The average height of a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, the more common type of Corgi, is 25-30 cm. (224cm) @LilahTovMoon okay, but I kinda want to measure everything in corgis now because then I just picture a bunch silly happy corgis! @LilahTovMoon These ridiculous comparisons are funny. But, switching to the metric system won’t fix people with seemingly no understanding of dimensional space. In the US, we all grew up on this non-metric system. You’d (maybe?) be shocked at how many people can’t judge or visualize any amount of inches or feet. Even with metric, they will all still need to know how many Corgis in 4 meters. @bougiewonderland Merci. J’avais déjà un exemple de Corgi: @bougiewonderland Oui, c’est vrai, je n’avais pas réalisé! Ça donne une conversion entre 2 unités, ha ha! Je la garde en banque pour ma prochaine mise à jour de ma page. @LilahTovMoon all of this talk about how to accurately measure using Corgis and no one has taken on that this is implying she can jump 12 F-ing feet into the air. @barryallen2023 @LilahTovMoon or that 8.4 corgis go as far as her toes and the 12' seems to be to her nose. @barryallen2023 @LilahTovMoon oh wait, it stated total jump in feet, and clearance. So her height is 12' - 8.4 corgis @barryallen2023 @LilahTovMoon Yeah! If she has a day off from gymnastics she could stroll over to the track and field competition and try high jump. With a half twist, just for fun. The ghost of Queen Elizabeth II approves. :ablobgiggle: :doggoblob: @LilahTovMoon @LilahTovMoon Not Americans but U.S. Americans! The rest of the nations in the continent use the metric system. Because you're addressing the Fediverse, not just USA! @LilahTovMoon Pretty much. i've never understood the metric system. I grew up with the imperial system. @LilahTovMoon We do sell soft drinks in two liter bottles, which strikes me as an odd thing to make an exception for. |
@LilahTovMoon I just love how the .4 is a scaled down corgi. Clears it right up.