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Every photo you share on :pixelfed: is resized, optimized and stripped of exif data.

Preserving the original photo(s) may be desired in some situations, we'll be rolling out a new compose option to preserve photos! #pixelfed

Dr. Quadragon ❌

@pixelfed uh... You are a photography hosting service. Resizing and especially "optimizing" WILL ruin a painstaikenly-edited photo.


@drq It really depends, admins can disable resize/optimization btw.

Stripping color profiles can make photos dull, but I wouldn't say that or even resizing would ruin them


> admins can disable resize/optimization btw.

How can we do that ?

> Stripping color profiles can make photos dull, but I wouldn't say that or even resizing would ruin them

It's not as problematic as stipping color profiles (which indeed often result in a crappy image), but for pictures with fine details, resizing is often worse that compressing more. A Jpeg quality 60-70 is often lighter and sharper than a Jpeg 90 with half the picture size.


> admins can disable resize/optimization btw.

How can we do that ?

> Stripping color profiles can make photos dull, but I wouldn't say that or even resizing would ruin them

It's not as problematic as stipping color profiles (which indeed often result in a crappy image), but for pictures with fine details, resizing is often worse that compressing more. A Jpeg quality 60-70 is often lighter and sharper than a Jpeg 90 with half the picture size.


Here respecting privacy but while account creation you send to me fork bomb using cloudflare. LMAO. Where privacy without security 😂😂😂

Bob Fisher

@pixelfed Hasta ahora, la optimización de las fotografías me están resultando buenas. Las imágenes que la comunidad comparte las veo con muy buen detalle. Pero tener la opción de elegir, siempre es una excelente opción. 👍


@pixelfed does it still replace the picture’s name ? In some (admitedly rare) case it would be usefull to allow download of the original file with original name (really niche practical case : looking glass quilt holograms could be imported by looking glass sceen owners without any fuss because specifications of display are in the name)

Saurabh K

@pixelfed Everything is fine with pixelfed, just give it an innovative look like Vero & everything will be okay. Don't want to include jazz things like reels or videos of IG, purpose is to encourage photo artists and that's all🤔 ✅


@pixelfed this made me to reconsider decision to open account on an instance and wait until it is implemented.

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