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Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@bobthebuster If you’re talking about me, I’m not belittling anyone at all, as is pretty obvious from my post.

If you’re taking about Quinn, he’s actually a Mac Stan, not a Linux Stan at all.

So, in both cases, you’re wrong :)


@thelinuxEXP directed at what you wrote and sharing a snarky video. Doesn't help at all


@bobthebuster @thelinuxEXP You'll say that it "doesn't help" but Nick's post isn't even to help someone but as a comment on how bad setting up a Windows system is.

And yes, @snazzyq is right: You could even manually install Arch Linux faster then setting up a Windows system.


@gelbphoenix @thelinuxEXP @snazzyq it's disingenuous to make these statements. All are easy to setup, now that Linux has gotten more user-friendly. Throwing shade on people who use windows isn't helping to convert people to Linux. The stans won't see it as they are too deep, just like apple fan boys. It's a tool. Use whatever, but don't make fun or shame people for their choice.

Coming from a daily user of all 3.


@bobthebuster @thelinuxEXP @snazzyq That Video and that posts isn't "throwing shade" on people and making of what someone uses for an OS but a critique of the setup process of Windows.

Coming from a person who used most of the systems in many points of their life.

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@bobthebuster @gelbphoenix @snazzyq Again, no one has thrown any shade at any user at all. Re-read the post. I’m not mentioning windows users, or criticizing them.


@thelinuxEXP @gelbphoenix @snazzyq throwing shade at people that have complained about Linux. It is a pain to use at times, just like windows and Mac.

To bring people in use positive language, not negative tones.

Same silly arguments for years, it's a tool use what works best and empower people in a positive way.

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@bobthebuster @gelbphoenix @snazzyq You’re really trying to read something that isn’t part of my post, here.

I didn’t say that, didn’t mean that, and the tone isn’t negative either. It’s encouraging people to refresh their opinions with recent experiences.


Like somebody should e.g. regularly look at other systems and make their own opinion about these systems.

For example: I can't say if Mac is bad or not because I didn't had a chance at testing MacOS handson at this time in my life.

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@bobthebuster The video isn’t snarky in any way, and what I wrote isn’t belittling or criticizing anyone.

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