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Bram Diederik

@thelinuxEXP @snazzyq
The UX of linux is way better than windows. Windows doesnt even have a consistent settings system anymore. And easy changes like making the taskbar larger for the elderly requires advanced regedit settings.
Its just because they have 10+ windows experience they say windows is easyer.
If you ask one with 0 os knowledge im sure the one will pick linux.
10+ years ago some guy send a task to his grandmas install linux/windows and send me an email. Only linux grandma succeeded.

1 comment
Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@bdiederik @snazzyq Yeah, that’s my experience as well. Buy a computer with Linux preinstalled, and give it to someone who has very limited experience with computers. Then give them a new Windows PC, and watch them clamour for their previous computer.

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