If you rearrange the letters of POSTMEN, they become VERY ANGRY.
@dgar They might even go postal. Watch out.
@dgar Bisous du lundi mon Dgar 😘😘😘😘
@Kahte 🙃
@dgar ça va pas ?
@Kahte 🫂
@dgar Calinoux doux mon Dgar :blobcat_heartcat:
@Kahte Calinoux?
@dgar hugs with a twist of tenderness ^^ my style
@Kahte thanks ☺️
@dgar 😆
And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
@amiserabilist 😅
@dgar My eldest son's high school punk band were named "The Disgruntled Postmen".
@dgar They might even go postal. Watch out.