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Chucho :gnu: :freedo: :guix:

@stefano That happens when auditors are mostly idiots with little technical knowledge but with a lot of power. I had to deal with those people many times, people who don't know how to open a CLI and run a fucking ping are telling you what you have to do. When I deal with cyber security auditors with strong technical knowledge things are different but in my experience most of them just care about compliance.

Stefano Marinelli

@jrballesteros05 I agree. They know that Debian with that version is compliant, and that's all. They don't probably know how ssh works at all.


@jrballesteros05 @stefano

True that! Once had an external cybersecurity auditor argue vehemently that certificate-based authentication is insecure and should not be used for MFA 😂


@jrballesteros05 @stefano Another fun thing about some auditors - they must have screenshots. Text files are not good enough.


@apgarcia @jrballesteros05 @stefano oh, good $DEITY.

I once had an auditor ask for screenshots from Active Directory Users & Computers.

Of the whole expanded thing. All 150k+ objects.

I explained why this wasn't possible, they repeated the demand, so I explained again and asked for escalation.

The demand was soon removed 🙂

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