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Andrew Tropin

Decided to avoid HashiCorp Nomad and go with k0s on top of Guix System.

The nomad's community is much smaller than kubernetes', probably so small that they didn't even fork the project after license change.

License is a actually a big deal. Source available software is a bit better than proprietary, but still very far from FOSS. The company potentially going bananas is only one of many problems.

#kubernetes #k8s #k3s #k0s #guix #nomad #HashiCorp


@abcdw I'm curious about ways to run Kubernetes idiomatically on Guix. Is there already some sources available?

Andrew Tropin

@Vijaya Not yet, but I'm working on it.

I already succeeded to run single-node k0s on Guix, experimenting with mluti-node setup now.

Later this summer will try to wrap into services and automate it.

P.S. Neither k0s, nor k8s are packaged in Guix yet, I use just a release binary for now, packaging can be tricky here.

P.P.S. Some old partial packages and services:


@Vijaya Not yet, but I'm working on it.

I already succeeded to run single-node k0s on Guix, experimenting with mluti-node setup now.

Later this summer will try to wrap into services and automate it.

P.S. Neither k0s, nor k8s are packaged in Guix yet, I use just a release binary for now, packaging can be tricky here.

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