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The basis for future fiction written around family guilds, where family members inherit the sole rights to work on code. Esoteric rituals have developed governing the handover of checksums and private keys. Any unplanned death of a current Keeper of the Code results in family disputes and the inevitable forks, leading to code wars between branches.

G'to Ten, youngest member of the H'werld family and eighth in line for the code base, discovers that the family's code includes a secret message from the Before times and embarks on a hero's journey to uncover the secrets behind the guild system, threatening to alter society forever. Whether it's for better or worse, only time will tell.

Rod Van Meter

@PeterLG @SmudgeTheInsultCat that is AMAZING. Write that novel series and you will be RICH!



I've done the hard part, someone else can do the writing and make the money. I'm too old to get rich now; it would be wasted.


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