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@Hexa there's always one promptfondler in the thread that doesn't understand that you can't get fully repeatable answers from the confabulation engine, and that any answer to that question is a valid answer within the llm paradigm, no matter if it's incorrect or not.

(there's also another promptfondler who thinks that the problem is just in one particular llm, not in the way llm works)


Ryan Dormanesh

@mawhrin @atoponce fair point. I apologize. Also “promptfondler” 😆 I’ve never heard that one.

Ryan Dormanesh

@jenzi I don’t care, let them not use AI and think it sucks and call people names. Doesn’t affect me. I know how to use it and enjoy it for professional and personal growth.

Emma (has_many_books of old)

@mawhrin @Hexa @atoponce came for the promptfondler, stayed for the confabulation engine

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