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Raphael Lullis

@mastohost Hugo, if you really meant it, why don't you just open source your code?

Not only it would make it easier for you to delegate the things you don't want to do, it will also lead to a number of people coming up with similar providers.


@raphael Raphael, I really don't think that starting a message with "if you really meant it" is the best way to communicate with someone.

Still, I will share my thoughts on that with you. If you ever used my service, you know that there currently there is no code to share. Everything is done manually on my platform. People sign up and I receive an email, I pick that email and manually do the installation on my servers.

Raphael Lullis

@mastohost sorry, it was indeed bad form.

I thought there was some form of automation. The fact that you have been doing this manually is quite impressive!

@raphael No problem, I understand.

I have been doing this manually for 5 years. Basically it's just a custom infrastructure with a bunch of cron jobs and some batch files, that is my "automation". It works but it depends on me being online.

Currently working on a web interface to allow for automated installs, hoping to get that done by the end of the year.

@raphael And yes, I will open source any thing that I feel is relevant, no point of sharing an automation installation script that requires 3 servers for a Mastodon install like my setup does.

Still, installing Mastodon with Docker is so simple and if one cannot do that then even a script that automates the install will end up leaving a non technical person in a no update place, like is the case for non tech people with one click install.

DM me the word "bread"

@mastohost I have a similar question I've been considering: would you be willing to share insight with others who want to set up similar services? That might help distribute the load by enabling people to set up alternatives.

I've been interested hosting a similar service for a few years now, but have been hesitant due to the prospect of having to manage hundreds of servers without spending time to maintain each one.

I love your work. Thanks for all you do at!

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