@raphael No problem, I understand.
I have been doing this manually for 5 years. Basically it's just a custom infrastructure https://masto.host/infrastructure/ with a bunch of cron jobs and some batch files, that is my "automation". It works but it depends on me being online.
Currently working on a web interface to allow for automated installs, hoping to get that done by the end of the year.
@raphael And yes, I will open source any thing that I feel is relevant, no point of sharing an automation installation script that requires 3 servers for a Mastodon install like my setup does.
Still, installing Mastodon with Docker is so simple and if one cannot do that then even a script that automates the install will end up leaving a non technical person in a no update place, like is the case for non tech people with https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/apps/mastodon one click install.