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Noah Cook

@atoponce I wonder: you know how virtual assistants are given feminine names and voices (Siri, Alexa)? And you know how there is a persistant false belief that women are somehow worse at math than men?

I have to wonder whether that combination of biases has any influence on the programmers who create these LLMs? I mean on top of all of the other biases and misunderstandings they already have about neuroscience and language? Are they creating their own stereotype of a ditzy secretary?

Bill Zaumen

@UncivilServant @atoponce It would help if "virtual assistants" used a name and voice appropriate to a 5 year old child.
There was an old TV program called "Kids say the Darndest Things" with clips of it shown on The Bill Crosby show (well before he was arrested):


@UncivilServant this has nothing to do with biases; llms don't produce correct answers, they produce statistically-probable text completion. @atoponce

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