@m3tti @chiraag @morganmay @mcc The other aspect here: Browser-dev is political!
Many of the decisions they're expected to implement in order to call LadyBird a "browser-engine" were made in the name of inclusivity. And not doing so correctly for a project with these ambitions can reinforce privilege.
Looking at their code I get the impression LadyBird respects "accessibility" & "internationalization" better than "pronouns", but they don't really seem to care about it.
@m3tti @chiraag @morganmay @mcc I'll also add that there's other such efforts to build a browser engine!
Like Servo, Dillo, NetSurf, MicroWeb, & the commandline offerings. Then there's WeasyPrint for rendering to PDF. Servo's currently seeking funding!
Also I'm pursuing my own effort, & am preparing an effort to help get others involved.
LadyBird's not the only effort, though it feels like some get that impression.