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Steve Silberman

If you wish you had a succinct, mainstream explanation of the horrors of Trump's Project 2025 you could send to your friends and relatives, People magazine has provided one. Please spread this link. No matter how bad you think it is, it's worse.

Ross of Ottawa

@stevesilberman People Magazine?

Surprised on two fronts, first that it's still around and second that it isn't a right wing promotion venue.



Who had People Magazine on their "folks who will help save democracy" bingo card?

I may just have to subscribe! My dad did and the puzzles are fun.



@stevesilberman How is this annoying orange from genus Trump still allowed to run for president after literally being convicted in the court? It seems moral compass of republicans is so fucked they couldn't find their own ass with it. Why else would (any)one still actively support this psychopath?

Marv Clowder


Trump's allies started Project 2025 as a blueprint for marrying church and state at the highest levels of government if he's elected

"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be."

Zeolith :AuVerify:


Is there something we can do to help from Europe?

Cat Herder

@zeolith @stevesilberman
Democrats Abroad is on Masto giving tips and timelines for voting. Maybe you could pass that info along.
Every vote counts.


That was a significantly better explanation/breakdown of Project 2025 than the namby-pamby article put out by CBS News this week.



@stevesilberman This is the USA equivalent of the German Enabling Act of 1933 which gave the Chancellor the power to make and enforce laws without the involvement of the legislature. It also kneecapped the judicial system (which mostly consisted of far right judges by then anyway). Extreme violence was used against recalcitrants with total immunity for the perpetrators (chiefly the SA or Brownshirts).


@stevesilberman There was an immediate spark for The Enabling Act—even though the process and road towards it were long in coming. The spark being the Reichstag fire (housing the legislature) caused by a confused halfwit. Let’s see what happens after today.



Having just read the mandate/manifesto - these people are nuts!

I again highly recommend people read "The Intelligence Trap" by David Robson

Brian Knutson

Going to have to build some huge camps to imprison all those who have used pornography (“…let him who is without sin … be the first to throw a stone…” indeed)…


@stevesilberman but recently el señor trumpo said that heritage and their project 2025 were trash, and let them aside, right?

Steve Silberman

@ivanopina Since I'm allergic to bullshit, and would like to see less bullshit in my feeds, I try to avoid parroting GOP bullshit, otherwise all of our feeds just get more bullshitty.

Joe Fox

@ivanopina @stevesilberman has Trump gone as far as calling project 2025 'trash'? According to the article Trump has said he disagrees with aspects of the plan and also (in a somewhat contradictory statement) says he doesn't know what Project 2025 is.

OnePlanet 💖🇺🇸 🌎


The truly devastating reality about Project 2025 is that it sounds great to the ignorant cult. It must bite them on the ass before they care. Hurting other people, destroying the environment, and dismantling public education at all levels … it’s kind of their *thing*

I think the People magazine article was more a sales tool for fools than a warning. I do not approve it and will not be forwarding to any of the MAGA who unfortunately remain in my life. They. Do. Not. Care.

Six Grandfathers Mountain


#MAGA MACHINE is the #Project2025 #heritagefoundation BS plan to... (see image)

"In practice, Schedule F could easily purge qualified subject experts from advisory positions at the first sign of disobedience and turn federal agencies into ultra-partisan arms of the Heritage Foundation's mission."


@6G @stevesilberman T successfully did this in 2018 under the radar. This time he will destroy many agencies and discontinue critical services by separating expert civil servants from jobs whose work product we often ignore and/or take for granted. #education #environment #economy #civilliberties #justice #democracy #transportation #healthcare #snap #childcare #defense #criminaljustice #fda #agriculture #energy #pollution #climatecrisis #fossifuels #socialsecurity #medicare #commerce

Six Grandfathers Mountain


T successfully did this in 2018 under the radar

Yes and we were lucky that time, because many (slowly) got indicted and some guilty and many resigned, but #Trump did bend things to spend 7 Trillion USD, T hurt the US

be Spacific
"... discontinue critical services by separating expert civil servants from jobs whose work product we often ignore and/or take for granted"

True that, if #Biden looses in 3 States by #electoralcollege


T successfully did this in 2018 under the radar

Yes and we were lucky that time, because many (slowly) got indicted and some guilty and many resigned, but #Trump did bend things to spend 7 Trillion USD, T hurt the US

be Spacific
"... discontinue critical services by separating expert civil servants from jobs whose work product we often ignore and/or take for granted"



Project 2025 has nothing to do with Trump

Maybe you should read the 900 page document and understand what it is.

If you want to understand Trump maybe you should read FW Buckley or the RNC Plarform

Project 2025 is a media smokescreen so you won’t read the RNC Platform

Can’t wait for the DNC Platform


@stevesilberman This is a bit atypical for People, no? What’s the backstory on this?

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