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Iron Bug
I'm looking for a job again.
alas, the company I worked for demands relocation. my only fault is I was born in USSR and for decades I lived in a city where I was born and I don't want to relocate just because of the dirty war started by putler. I don't plan to play populism and support all that cancelling Russians hype. 146 millions of Russians cannot relocate abroad. this is nonsense. and programming is not related to the war, I have never attacked anybody in my life. I am a software developer, I work remotely, as I always did for the past years.

so I look for a remote work as a C/C++ developer for Linux. I have over 20 years of experience. particularly, in system programming, networking and high load server software development, embedded devices, hardware related programming, backend development and telecom. I work with Linux and prefer to write in C. but also can write in C++, although I like it less than pure C.

of course I don't work for any RF government related projects (and I never did before, because I know what they are), I still don't participate in any anti-human activities like spying after users, data stealing, Internet blocking and any kinds of fraud. I work for fair business that respects their clients.

and yes, I'm self-employ#ed, I have a bank account with SWIFT and pay all the taxes myself. I work remotely by contract, on my own hardware (if applicable) or on remote servers via ssh and/or VPN. I fluently speak English and worked in teams with foreign co-workers.

link to my profile on LinkedIn.
#C #C++ #job #jobsearch #Linux #programming #software development
Iron Bug
still looking for a job. remotely, C/C++ for Linux with solid experience (over 20 years). reposts are welcome.
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