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Dave Anderson

Also implies that the default state of software is, I dunno, an orc or a barbarian or something. Something that you need a wizard to help you with, certainly.

Dave Anderson

Now thinking about creating a movement to promote "hobbit software". Pretty chill, keeps to itself, tends to its databases, hangs out with other hobbit software at the pub, broadly unbothered by the scheming of the wizards and the orcs, oblivious to the rise and fall of software empires around them.

Oh, the Electron empire is going to war with the Reacts? Sounds ghastly, sorry to hear that. Me and the lads are off to the pub to run some cronjobs, wanna come along?

Iron Bug
this is named suckess. simple, effective, no monstrous combines, completing one task, but well. and everything is a pipe, old good UNIX way. on software level it's a good decomposition, separate libraries for different tasks. no hundreds of dependencies, no fat giant frameworks, no coprorate software that makes everyone dependent on it, no gigabytes of BS installation needed for work of a small utility. every utility is maximally independent, installs by copying the binary and perhaps a few libraries to a working directory and runs from console.
this is named suckess. simple, effective, no monstrous combines, completing one task, but well. and everything is a pipe, old good UNIX way. on software level it's a good decomposition, separate libraries for different tasks. no hundreds of dependencies, no fat giant frameworks, no coprorate software that makes everyone dependent on it, no gigabytes of BS installation needed for work of a small utility. every utility is maximally independent, installs by copying the binary and perhaps a few libraries...
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