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European Commission

Child sexual abuse is a real and growing danger.

📈 More than 2 million children are being affected every year.

This week, we have proposed new rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse online⬇️

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

@EU_Commission these proposals will put journalists, abuse victims, and whistleblowers in danger. It is unacceptable and shameful to hide behind abused children to push such draconian laws.

Rodrigo P

@EU_Commission this project is so wrong in so many levels that I don't even know where to begin. This opens a terrible precedent, to say the least. Where do we draw the line? What are the other illegal activities that will justify undermining fundamental rights of individuals?
I am so disappointed, for me the EU Commission was a beacon of hope in these dark times. This project tells me otherwise. The scariest part: the lawmakers most certainly know this better than me


@p10 @EU_Commission When it comes to the internet, EU can't decide themself if want to send beacons of hope or beacons of hopless.

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